Sunday, March 22, 2009

Post Party

So Molly has been planning this APO conference that is going to take place here at Catholic. It's in just under two weeks and she's been working on it, probably for a year. Honestly, I've tried to stay as far away from it as possible because I just don't want to get involved in the insanity that will be her life in the next two weeks. And it takes place the week after my birthday. I plan on being drunk. But anyway, I've just been informed that on Saturday night of this conference, after it is essentially over, there will a post-conference party. To be held, most likely, in our trailer. Sweet, I could go for a party. And if there is one thing Zeta Mu knows how to do right, its drink. Maybe the conference won't be so terrible after all.
You know, I'm becoming slightly concerned about something. It's pretty trivial when you look at the grand scale of things, but still. My 21st birthday is on Saturday and I'm becoming worried that (like the rest of my semester) its going to be a let down of a weekend. I mean, I've just got a feeling that it's become so hyped up that it's just inevitable that I be disappointed. And I don't want to be, ya know? I mean, I think that, other than turning 16 and 18, this is the last major birthday you have until you turn 30. And the fact that that is less than 10 years away is slightly frightening. But I digress. I guess I'm just worried that I'm gonna try and have my friends over and half of them will be too high to show up or be any fun and everyone else will have something going on. And then on Saturday, it will turn out that no one wants to go out or do anything and I spend my 21st birthday like I've spent the majority of my weekends this semester. Doing absolutely nothing. Sober as a reformer at an AA meeting. If that happens, that might be it for me. I may actually lose it at that point. Maybe its the pessimist in me, but in any event, I've begun mentally preparing myself for a not-so-spectacular birthday.
Well, I'm going to attempt to get some work done while I contemplate ways to justify a less-than-stellar birthday.

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