Saturday, February 7, 2009

He's Just Not That Into You...

I think at fifteen I must have been an annoying, squealing little girl. I assume this must be true, but I don't ever remember being like that. Then again, all girls are like that at that age, so it must be true. I bring this up because Erin and I went to see "He's Just Not That Into You" last night and the theater was full of squealing litle high schoolers who the two of us (and the 20-something guy sitting next to me w/ his g.f.) found very annoying. And funny at the same time. It was almost as if they had never seen a romantic comedy before. Let me rewind to the beginning of the night.
So we weren't sure if last night was Nick's birthday party (even though his birthday was a month ago... whatever). I had no desire to go to his party because I didn't want to be manhandled again. So Erin and I decided we would go to the movies. Chinatown was sold out and that should have been our first clue, but we just decided to go to Union Station. I've never seen more that 10 people in that theater so we figured it would be empty. Boy, were we wrong.
Well, before we left for the movies at 9, Matt took us to the store and Hunan. I got some dinner and another bottle of Malibu. Erin got a 6 pack and Matt got a 30. We ran into Kenny and his friend while we were there and he informed us that Nick's party would be on Saturday night, so we should stop by trailer 15. I love how he invites us over Chris' trailer, as if I would need an invitation to go over there. Still, a nice gesture none-the-less. So we went back to my trailer, ate, had a drink and left for the movies. Molly chose not to come because she's got some kind of bad head cold with a slight fever. She's been sick for two or three days and she keeps coughing and not covering her mouth. That means I'll be sick by the middle of next week because God knows I've got the immune system of an AIDS patient (as Liz put it). Great.
Anyway, we left for the movie and got there a little early, which turned out to be good thing. We got our tickets, soda and grabbed some seats. Slowly, over the next 15 minutes, the theater filled to capacity. I didn't know that many people knew the Union Station movie theater existed. We were stunned. Well, as the movie started we began to realize that the vast majority of people in the theater were high schoolers between the ages of 14 and 17. They squealed (in unison) whenever something remotely cute happened and laughed ridiculously hard at jokes they probably considered to be really risque, but that anyone over 18 would find somewhat normal. Basically it was hysterical and annoying at the same time. Whenever they squealed the guy sitting next to me would just start laughing to himself. I can't say I blame him because I wanted to laugh too. The movie itself was pretty good. I wasn't sure how they were going to go about making that book into a movie but I thought they did a pretty decent job. It was funny and the different story lines came together at the end, which I always enjoy in a movie. We came back here, drank more and I went to bed. We were going to go over to the boys but I was exhausted because I didn't sleep to well on Thursday.
Right, well, time for me to go clean the trailer. Its soooo nice out today and we've got the windows open so I'm in one of those spring cleaning moods. I got up this morning and did the dishes. Now I've got to swiffer and maybe borrow the boy's vacuum. We're having the APO brothers and pledges over tomorrow after Mission Day and the place needs to be straightened up. That means I need to do it because there's no way in hell Molly will clean, especially if she's feeling sick. So I'm going to go swiffer now.

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