Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Jesus Camp

Normally, I wouldn't post twice in one day. This isn't normally though. So I wrote about the terrible media documentary project I have to do for this week. After searching netflix, I found the movie I'm going to do...
It's called "Jesus Camp" and it came out in 2006. It's about how Evangelicals are teaching their kids to grow up to be "warriors for God". They are told that they should all be wiling to join and die for "the army of God". These kids are taught by their parents that science is a lie and they are sent to bible camps that force them to find God and be saved by him. There is something wrong with the way the adults condone and encourage this kind of behavior. Its really kinda scary. I'm actually terrified of Middle America right now. Seriously, drowning and terrorism used to top the list of things I was most afraid of. Now, its Evangelicals. These people are so crazy I actually agree with the film's liberal radio host! Worst of all, they drag poor Georgie into it. There is no reason to associate him with these nuts. But it helps to push the subtle liberal agenda of the movie. Whatever happened to that rumor he was going to become a Catholic?
I think everyone should watch this. My views of the Christian Right are definitely changed. Not that I'm going to go re-register as a Democrat or anything. Mike already has permission to break into my house and get the AK47 from under my couch if that were to ever happen. But I realized that I'm more middle of the road than I thought. I could lean so much more to the right than I already do.

Jesus Camp (just click the link to watch the movie)

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