Monday, February 16, 2009

Procrastination is Bliss

It is also the bane of my existence. It's coming up on midterms, which means the exams and papers and all that other good stuff starts to take place. I have a politics and philosophy midterm next week and I need to come up with topics for my politics, history and history seminar papers. Preferably I would get those topics selected soon. Maybe I'll do that over Spring Break.
I have a book to read by tomorrow night so that I can write a 3-5 page paper on it by Wednesday. Great. But whatever. If their is one thing being a history major teaches you, its how to write a great paper about a book you haven't actually read. Read the introduction, the conclusion and the first paragraph of every chapter. Read the front and back covers, along with the online summary. If you have any time, or feel inspired, you can skim the beginnings of the rest of the paragraphs. If you can pay attention and take good notes on those areas you will have enough information to bullshit a pretty decent paper and a class discussion
Well, we are officially in Spring Break countdown mode. 12 days and counting. I plan on sleeping in, researching my paper topics, and enjoying a nice quiet house. I also have to go to the dentist and have a crown put on. That will be fun.
Right. I guess I should start reading the introduction to my book so I can finish it by tomorrow and write my paper for Wednesday. Wish me luck!

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